Monday, April 6, 2009

Boredom strikes.

Okay. Usually my nights are filled with watching TOO MANY shows that we've got saved up in the DVR but tonight is different. Fish went out with a guy he used to work with to have some drinks and watch the game. So here I sit.. bored.  I haven't really made any friends since we moved here (which is bad because we've only been here over a year now!) or I could be out doing the same.. or something.

But that's a story for another time.

Here's some randomness..

- I have never EVER liked the taste of guacamole but I've recently been craving some homemade guac. What's up with that? For some reason I think it's going to taste different if I make it myself.

- Now that I've discovered Whole Foods I'm pretty much on a health, organic, natural kick. That place is A-MAZING! They have sooo many things that look SOOO good. I want to try all of it!

- Because of my Whole Foods addiction I've become addicted to Emeril's new show Emeril Green. It's filmed at the Whole Foods right next to my house. I walked in one day to find a huge film crew.. and of course EMERIL! I've always loved him. I've learned so much from his show, it's ridiculous. I can't wait to try all my new tricks. :)

- And just so you know.. Acai juice is not very tasty, Snapea Crisps are pretty much amazing, and Metromint water is the absolute BEST flavored water available. And really, I love that water so much, I think it's gonna have to have it's own post one day.

Okay, I think that's it.

I'm gonna go enjoy some blue tortilla chips and hummus. Then I'm going to bed EARLY for a change!
